Friday, April 27, 2012

Guest Post: Heather Dearly, PROM DATES TO DIE FOR!

You guys, I'm so super excited to have Heather Dearly, author of The Bone Flower in the PROM DATES TO DIE FOR anthology, guest posting on my blog today! I won't keep her...

What Would Nika Do?

When I received my invitation to write a short story for the PROM DATES TO DIE FOR anthology, my first thought was WWMRD?


Nostalgic for (and biased by) a John Hughes vision of this major event, I sent a message on Facebook to my humorous duet partner from high school drama (then cheerleader, now high school teacher and mother of a teenager) asking her to set me straight on modern day prom. Her parents owned the local men’s formal wear shop where most of the students would rent their tuxedos, and she loaned me the red dress I wore to prom with my now husband. She currently chaperones various school functions, so contacting her was a no-brainer. 
Unfortunately, her reply kind of crushed my pretty (in pink) mental picture.

Let’s just say her version is nothing like the 2011 Disney movie PROM my pre-teen daughter has watched more than once.

In this “My Super Sweet 16” era of milestone events, I’m not sure what I was expecting, but the price tag placed on today’s pre-prom spa parties and haute couture would have left me sitting at home alone in the late eighties. Also, the current shift from romantic rite of passage to public display of risqué is not really my style.

Mulling over what prom might mean to readers, writer me decided that while each and every teen is entitled to their personal expectations of prom, my character, Nika—an extension of the teen I might dream to be today—is entitled to her own, too.

So I glued my sentimental self back together and began to write.

What resulted is a bit dramatic, a little romantic, and inspired in part by Ian Somerhalder for, um, contemporary relevancy.

My short story, THE BONE FLOWER, is not an outright homage to the inimitable Ms. Ringwald, but it is a unique paranormal prom experience I hope readers will enjoy.

I cannot say thank you enough to Heather for stopping by today, and I'm really looking forward to reading her short story, and all the others in PROM DATES TO DIE FOR!

If you'd like to keep up with Heather, you can find her on Pinterest, Twitter and her website!
And be sure to add PROM DATES TO DIE FOR to your goodreads list here!!

As a special thank you for stopping by today, the lovely folks at Buzz Books is offering up a copy of PROM DATES TO DIE FOR to one lucky commenter! Simply comment on this post with your most memorable prom experience (try your best to keep it semi-short, lol) between now and Wednesday, May 2nd. I'll announce the winner on Thursday, May 3rd!! Contest is open to residents of USA and Canada!! 

Okay, comment away! 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

You guys, check out ADR3NALIN3!!

Don't be confused by those 3s in that title; that's just the awesome way the blogging group ADR3NALIN3 rolls. :)

And why, you ask, am I posting about said blogging group?

Easy...because I'm now officially a member! (cue applause)

That's right, I was invited to be part of a blogging group! I'm so excited, and I'm looking forward to learning many, many things from the other amazing authors who partake in said blog. So be sure to check it out (just click on that cool name at the top of this post...or here, I suppose), and look for me on Tuesdays!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Launch Party Post

As promised, here's a quick recap of the Launch Party for my debut novel, BLOOD BORN. I had the absolute best time, and was honored and humbled by the amazing people who came out to support me and my first novel. Everyone there was truly great!

For your viewing pleasure, a few pics of the night--enjoy!
My best friend

The crowd begins! :)

One of my sisters--she planned the event!

More crowd--the guy in the back in dark blue designed 
the book cover & trailer.

And even more crowd--waiting to eat! lol

From-scratch red velvet cupcakes. Best. Ever!

One of my other sisters!

It's a hard-knock life. ;-P

Group of my closest friends

My adorable little mother! :)

She was probably the most excited! lol

People enjoying the night

Such fun signing/photo ops!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's Official: BLOOD BORN is out!

You read that right, peeps. My debut YA novel, BLOOD BORN, is officially available for all to read! (no, I'm not doubled over with nausea-inducing nerves, why do you ask?)

I cannot tell you how excited and nervous and excited I am! ;-P 
It has been a long road to get to this day, but a road I'm so very happy and grateful to have traveled. 

The number of people I need to thank is endless, so I will simply say THANK YOU to them all--and to everyone who has read or will read my book!

Okay, I'm off to sit in the dark and wait for the dizziness to disappear--HAPPY READING EVERYONE!!

Oh, and if you're can order my book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and my publisher's website (where it's actually a bit cheaper!). 

Monday, April 23, 2012

A Launch Party recap post is coming, I promise!

Just as the title says, I promise that I will have a BLOOD BORN Launch Party recap post for you very soon (maybe even tomorrow!). Needless to say it was a crazy weekend, and I'm only now recuperating! ;-P

So, I thought I'd post the video of my interview with the local ABC affiliate, WEAR ABC 3. I must admit that I've only watched about the first 10 seconds (that was all I could stomach of seeing how horrible I look on camera!), but some have said it went well.

You decide. :-)

Friday, April 20, 2012

BLOOD BORN Launch Party Tonight!

Yes, you read that title correctly. Tonight is the launch party for my debut novel, BLOOD BORN

I seriously cannot believe that in just 4 days, my book will be available for the entire world to read! (author's note: 'entire world' is what I imagine in my head; just go with it, 'kay?)

A huge thank you to everyone who has been kind and gracious enough to purchase either the ebook version (which is out now, and which you can pick up here and here!) or the hardback version (which comes out Tuesday, and which you can pick up here and here!), who has tweeted and re-tweeted and posted on their blogs about my are all made of pure Awesomesauce!

So, if you happen to be in the LA area (um, not that LA; I mean Lower Alabama!) today from 5-7pm, please stop by and say hi, and pick up a copy of my book (that's right, I'm letting it go early!). Here's all the info about tonight:

BLOOD BORN Launch Party/Signing
The L House 
Brewton, Alabama
books available for purchase at the event

And thanks again for all the love and support--I couldn't have done it without Bloggerdom!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I'll be on TV!...and, the final Three Line Thursdays!

First up, today at 11am CST I will be interviewed on my local ABC station, WEAR 3, to discuss BLOOD BORN! I'm super excited (and super nervous, haha!), and if anyone out there wants to see me (and hear what I am sure is a pretty recognizable Southern Accent), visit the WEAR website! (note: I have no idea when the actual segment will go online, but it will, so keep checking!). 

Okay folks, since a certain book debuts next Tuesday (okay, it's mine, it's mine!), today will be the last Three Line Thursdays! post.
What is Three Line Thursdays!, you ask?

It's simple, really. Every Thursday between now and the release of BLOOD BORN, I'm going to tease you guys with three random lines from the book! I'll treat this just like Teaser Tuesdays, by turning to random pages and selecting three lines (take that, two-line Tuesdays!).

If you're interested, you can preorder BLOOD BORN at Amazon and Barnes & Noble!

He smiled wide, and we melted into the sea of dancers, falling effortlessly into rhythm with everyone else. It felt as though my body--my life--had been taken over by someone else, someone not a vampire. I felt like I was living inside a fairy tale, like I was the star of Cinderella instead of Frankenstein.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday...DEMON EYES by Scott Tracey!

The lovely Jill (a fellow Alabamian!) over at Breaking the Spine created the Waiting on Wednesday meme for us bloggers to showcase books we're waiting on.

This week's selection is the sequel to the book I reviewed on Monday, and I am very excited to read it! The first book was fun and thoroughly enjoyable, so I know this one is gonna be just as entertaining. Please add to your TBR lists...

by Scott Tracey
pub date 10/8/2012

product description from

Braden came to Belle Dam in search of answers. Answers to his past, to the incredible power he was born with, and the threats destined to come for him. What he found was a supernatural feud between the Lansings and the Thorpes: a feud divided by blood, ruled through manipulation, and fought with magic. His arrival has caused the tide to turn in Belle Dam, and now the things in the darkness have begun to stir.

Trapped between his power and his desires, Braden struggles with the legacy he's inherited. The witch eyes give him access to incredible power, but they've ravaged his body for nearly the last time. As a series of girls are stolen, snatched away in dead of night, Braden realizes that once more there are demons maneuvering in the dark. Friendships are tested, and old alliances threatened, as Braden unravels the history behind the city's darkest secrets, and the demons bound to its core.

This synopsis sounds better than the first book, WITCH EYES--can't wait for October (it'll be the perfect Halloween read)!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Trailer Reveal: WHAT I DIDN'T SAY by Keary Taylor!

You guys, I am so excited to be a part of the reveal of the trailer for Keary Taylor's new YA contemporary novel, WHAT I DIDN'T SAY! The book sounds amazing and the trailer seriously rocks!

Don't believe me?

Then see for it is, the trailer for 

See? Told you it was amazing! I love how quiet it is in the beginning; no music, just his voice. Such emotion behind his words, and the harsh silence in the background only adds to that emotion. This is gonna be such a great book!

To find out more about WHAT I DIDN'T SAY, visit the Goodreads page here.

To keep tabs on Keary, you can follow her on Twitter, Facebook and her blog!

Stop by Twitter and congratulate Keary on such a great trailer!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Review: WITCH EYES by Scott Tracey

by Scott Tracey
pub date 9/8/2011

product description from

Braden was born with witch eyes: the ability to see the world as it truly is: a blinding explosion of memories, darkness, and magic. The power enables Braden to see through spells and lies, but at the cost of horrible pain.

After a terrifying vision reveals imminent danger for the uncle who raised and instructed him, Braden retreats to Belle Dam, an old city divided by two feuding witch dynasties. As rival family heads Catherine Lansing and Jason Thorpe desperately try to use Braden's powers to unlock Belle Dam's secrets, Braden vows never to become their sacrificial pawn. But everything changes when Braden learns that Jason is his father--and Trey, the enigmatic guy he's falling for, is Catherine's son.

To stop an insidious dark magic from consuming the town, Braden must master his gift—and risk losing the one he loves.

My Review:

WITCH EYES was a fun, exciting read that kept me guessing right up to the end--in more ways than one! It's centered around Braden, a teenage witch who lives with his uncle until he's sort of forced to visit the tiny town of Belle Dam, where his family is from. Once there, Braden's already difficult life becomes almost unbearable.

Braden is a great character. He's strong yet vulnerable at the same time, with just enough heart to get himself into trouble by being a bit too trusting of others. In Belle Dam, he instantly becomes a pawn in a war between two families--one of which is his own. Along the way he meets two mysterious guys, Drew and Trey. At first glance, Drew is the nice one and Trey the typical bad boy, but as the book progresses, we learn that isn't necessarily the case.

Scott Tracey did a great job of creating well-rounded characters, from Braden and his two suitors to the heads of the feuding dynasties. A couple of places in the story lagged a bit for me, but overall it was a fun, enjoyable read that kept me hooked to the end. And I am excited for the next installment!

My Rating:

I am happy to give WITCH EYES 4 Stars, and recommend it to anyone looking for a fun, unique read!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Last day of my Blog TGIF!!

Today is the last day of the BLOOD BORN Blog Tour, hosted by the delightful Yara at Once Upon A Twilight!

OUaT is also hosting today's stop, so be sure to head on over and check it out--there's a grand prize giveaway!

And stop back by OUaT on April 27th at 9pm CST for a live chat with yours truly (I'll post about it again, just to remind ya)!

The awesomeness that is Ginger (or G, as I like to call her!) over at GReads! has created a great meme that is tons of fun. Each Friday, she poses a question for anyone to answer. Go check her out and join in the fun!

This Friday's Question:

Musical Stories:

If you could read a book about any song,
which song would you love to see
written down in story form?

This is a great question, G! There are countless songs that serve as inspiration for writers (I know I'm not the only one, right? lol), whether it's the actual lyrics that create that nugget of an idea, or the feeling the song invokes. After all, songs are stories themselves (well, the good ones, anyway!)

I could literally sit here all day listening to music and watching videos and imagining the stories that go/could go with them, so I'll make a tough decision and pick one. 

This song is one that's tied to several of my memories--memories of wonderful friendships and the awesome times we had together, and every time I hear it, my mind is transported not only to those memories, but also to an imaginary place created by the words tied to the music. It's a fun, beautiful song that I could listen to over and over and over (and I have, lol).

Desert Rose - Sting

Isn't that video beautiful? And I love the overall feel of it--the music, the lyrics, the setting. I can easily imagine a world where these images and words come to life--can't you just picture Sting as some sort of diplomat or former assassin longing for his long lost Desert Rose? :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 11 of the BLOOD BORN Blog Three Line Thursdays!

Today is the next to last day of the BLOOD BORN Blog Tour, hosted by the super Yara at Once Upon A Twilight!

Please visit Books With Bite and check it out!

And today also marks the next to last installment of Three Line Thursdays! 

What is Three Line Thursdays, you ask?

It's simple, really. Every Thursday between now and the release of BLOOD BORN, I'm going to tease you guys with three random lines from the book! I'll treat this just like Teaser Tuesdays, by turning to random pages and selecting three lines (take that, two-line Tuesdays!).

I tried to imagine myself being someone important or dignified or popular; anything but a blood-sucking monster trying to pass as human. Of course, being a vampire would probably come easier than fitting in as just an average teenager. I didn't know which would be worse, but I was about to find out.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 10 of the BLOOD BORN Blog Waiting on Wednesday!

Today is the 10th day of the BLOOD BORN Blog Tour, hosted by the brilliant Yara at Once Upon A Twilight!

Please visit SupaGurl Books and check it out!

And as promised...Waiting on Wednesday!

The lovely Jill (a fellow Alabamian!) over at Breaking the Spine created the Waiting on Wednesday meme for us bloggers to showcase books we're waiting on.

This week's pick is the final book in a fun, entertaining series that I've really enjoyed. Though I didn't enjoy the second book as much as the first, it was still a great read, and I'm eager to see how it all ends. If you haven't already, please add to your TBR lists...

pub date 7/24/2012
product description from

Try as she might, Evie can’t seem to escape her not-so-normal past. And what was supposed to be a blissfully normal school break is ruined when a massive group of paranormals shows up at her house, claiming that Evie is the only one who can protect them from a mysterious, perilous fate.

The deadly war between the faerie courts looms ever closer. The clock is ticking on the entire paranormal world. And its future rests solely in Evie’s hands.

So much for normal.

With a perfect blend of humor and suspense, Endlessly is everything readers could dream of in a conclusion—and the unexpected twists will keep them guessing until the very last page.

I love that is says "unexpected twists"...I enjoy those!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 9 of BLOOD BORN Blog Review: SHINE by Jeri Smith-Ready!

Today is Day 9 of the BLOOD BORN Blog Tour, hosted by the super-duper Yara at Once Upon A Twilight!

Please head over to Good Choice Reading and check it out!

And as promised...a review of SHINE, the final installment in Jeri Smith-Ready's amazing SHADE series!

by Jeri Smith-Ready
pub date 5/1/2012

To review SHINE, oh where to begin!
I was wiping away tears a mere ten pages in.

Rife with pain and terror and tension,
The emotional wave was too intense not to mention.

From the very first word my heart was torn open,
By Aura and Zachary and dear, departed Logan.

The background characters were brought out to play,
to help our leading lady survive each day.

For in the final chapter of this epic love story,
Our hero and heroine must fight for their glory.

Kept apart by a world that is strangled by fear,
Aura and Zachary long to be near.

No matter the odds, they are ready to fight,
To ensure their love survives each night.

They are put through tests that would break even the strongest,
But A and Z have been destined the longest.

To end up together in the greatest of love,
And regardless the trials, they will rise above.

With heartache and triumph filling the pages,
SHINE tells of a love that shall survive the ages.

A love that is pure but not easily achieved,
For it takes truest love to make one believe.

If you can't tell, I really loved this book--and this series. Without a doubt, SHADE, SHIFT and SHINE are at the top of my list of favorites, and I urge all of you to pick up these wonderful novels today!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 8 of my Blog Review: OBSIDIAN by Jennifer L Armentrout!

First up, it's Day 8 of the BLOOD BORN Blog Tour, hosted by the fantastic Yara at Once Upon A Twilight!
Please head over to A Book Lover's Review and check it out! 

And as promised in the title...a review!

by Jennifer L Armentrout
pub date May 15, 2012 (paperback version; ebook already released)

Normally I do a typical review, complete with highs and lows and things I loved and things I didn't. But for OBSIDIAN, it would really be pointless. It would just be filled with gushing words of praise over an outstanding novel. ;P
So I've decided instead to give you a description of the best thing about the book...Daemon!

Over the top, grade-A jerk. 
Beautiful. Just beautiful. Did I say beautiful?
Smart-ass, through and through. 
Intense stares that cut through everything. (did it get warm in here?)
Delirium-inducing make-out skills. Seriously. (yep, definitely warmer in here.)
Insanely good at kissing. Did I say that already? Ahem. Moving on.
Afraid to be honest of his true feelings for Katy. Which makes you love him more.
Not scared to fight for those he loves. At All.

So there you have it--a short, sweet, to-the-point recap of what's most important about Armentrout's Lux Series debut. 
Oh, and there's lots of fighting and danger and funny. 
But that's just gravy.