Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm Hibernating...back soon!

Some of you may have noticed that I haven't had a blog post since my week at BEA (which was awesome, and which I fully intend to post about, promise!). Before you totally freak and click that UNFOLLOW button, rest assured that I, too, have noticed this atrocity. 

And I have a really good reason...

I currently am being detained by the US Department of Edits and Revisions until I have completed my contractually-required WIP. 

So, until the aforementioned has been achieved, I'm afraid that my tiny sliver of the Blogger Pie is being Saran-wrapped and shelved.

But do not fret, for once I have met the requirements of the USDER, I fully intend to reward my loyal followers with a fun-filled post on my very first NYC/BEA trip, complete with a couple of giveaways--so stay tuned!

Friday, June 8, 2012

I'm leaving, on a jet plane!

Just as the song says, today I'm leaving NYC on a jet plane headed home (cue sad music). 

I must say that this week has been an amazing, uplifting experience that I am so very thankful I had the opportunity to enjoy (thanks to my wonderful publisher!!). I met tons of great people while at BEA, saw some amazing things while in NYC (Ground Zero was breathtaking, truly. And you guys, go see Newsies--it's awesome!), and got tons of inspiration for current and future WIPs!!

But I'm also super excited to be heading home, where I know my four furry, barking children will be eager to shower me with sloppy kisses--and I can't wait!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm signing today at BEA!!

Hey you guys, I'll be signing copies of BLOOD BORN today at BEA in NYC from 4-5pm!

If you happen to be attending BEA, please come by and grab a signed copy of my book!

In fact, Pendrell has authors signing all day today--check it out!

DJ DeSmyter (author of HUNTED) - 10-11am

Lani Woodland (author of INTRINSICAL & INDELIBLE) - 12p-1:30p

Angela Corbett (author of ETERNAL STARLING) - 2-3pm

Come on by and say hi, and nab signed copies of these great books!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I'm vlogging LIVE at BEA!

Today at 4pm EST I will be vlogging LIVE with fellow author DJ DeSmyter (HUNTED) from BEA!

So if you happen to be attending BEA, stop by the Pendrell Publishing Booth 2054 and ask us anything you'd like--we're required by law to answer you. Okay, so who knows if it's an actual law, but we'll just say it is, how's that? ;-D

And if you're not attending BEA but would like to catch the vlog anyway, you can check it out on Pendrell Publishing's YouTube page here!

Come on all, ask away!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I'm at BEA--and it's my cover reveal!!

Hi everyone, and Happy Tuesday!! 

Just a quick heads up that I'm at BEA in NYC this week, along with other Pendrell authors Lani Woodland, Angela Corbett and DJ DeSmyter! So if you happen to be attending, come by the Pendrell Publishing Booth 2054 and say hi! Here's a link to the events we have going on this week--there's Twitter contests and cover reveals and more!--so be sure to check em out! 

And as promised, we are revealing LIVE the cover for Book 2 in The Blood Prophecy Trilogy, BLOOD AWAKENING! Yes, just a few minutes ago we revealed the awesome cover, so I can officially share it with all of you!

And as you well know, I'm not one to drag things out...soooo....here it is!!

Isn't it great?! I must say, I love it even more than BLOOD BORN! I love that Ava appears much older and more confident in herself--which is exactly how she is in the actual book! And I can't help but love seeing Chance there, too!! 

Okay everyone, if you would be so kind as to help spread the word about my fantastic cover, I would be oh-so-thankful!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

It's official: I'm in NYC!

Yes you read that title correctly--I am in New York!! I actually flew in yesterday afternoon and I couldn't be more excited! Not only has visiting the world's most famous city been a dream of mine, but so has attending BEA--the world's most famous book event!

For the past several months, my friends and family and a few online pals have been asking me what I'm most excited about seeing while in The Big Apple. And without hesitation, I answer "Um, BEA, duh!" Are you kidding? A gigantic convention center filled with books on top of books and all the people who love them as much as I do? Get outta here! I can't wait to scour the aisles in search of authors and bloggers and book lovers all eager to share and express their love of books!

And to top it all off, I get to attend as an author--an ACTUAL AUTHOR!! I still feel very strange saying that out loud! haha 
But it's true--I'm published!! My debut novel BLOOD BORN came out April 24th (hey, you can buy it here!), and I couldn't be happier. This has been a life-long dream of mine, and I'm so happy that even though it took a back seat for many years, I didn't give up on this dream. I definitely am not one to toot my own horn as they say, but, well... TOOT TOOT!! haha!

Okay gang, I'm off to do a bit of sight-seeing (BEA doesn't actually begin for me till tomorrow). I hope everyone has an awesome, amazing week, and if you happen to be attending BEA, please come to the Pendrell Publishing Booth 2054 and say hi!!!