Friday, December 10, 2010

congrats to the YA cuzzes!

Who knows if "cuzzes" is even a word, but it's my blog and I can use it if I want, right?

Anyway, just wanted to say a quick CONGRATULATIONS!! to Pam Harris at Y(A)? Cuz We Write! She won a FULL MANUSCRIPT CRITIQUE from the awesome agent Weronica Janczuk!

How cool is that? Pam was one of my very first followers here, so I just had to give her a shout out...way to go Pam!

And her blogging "cuz" and real-life "cuz" Marquita Hockaday was the first on the Honorable Mentions list (which technically means she came in 2nd Place, right? Which is awesome!) and she gets a 50 page critique from the same awesome agent!

I love your blog, ladies, and just wanted to say congrats on your amazing wins!


  1. Sooo happy they won those prizes. Well deserved :D

    U rock for doing this, btw!!

  2. Thanks so much for giving us a shout out! You are a rock star ;)

  3. Hey! I hopped over from Lisa Green's blog. Nice to find you here on the blogosphere.

    Now I need to check out the cuzzes blog!

  4. Aww, thank you so much Jamie! I'm sending you hugs through the Interwebz. :)
