Monday, December 10, 2012

Cover Reveal--SUICIDE WATCH by Kelley York!

Hi guys! First, my apologies for the sporadic posting here on the 'ol blog. I'm under deadline (and behind--sorry, K!) so I've had to let the blog sit on the back burner as of late. But I'm happy to be back today as part of the cover reveal for a dear friend of mine's latest novel, SUICIDE WATCH! 

And since I'm such a nice guy, I won't keep you waiting. Here it is, the cover for SUICIDE WATCH by Kelley York!

Isn't that awesome? I just love the dark feel of it. I've recently begun reading it (thanks so much, Kelley!) and I'm loving it. Kelley's writing immediately draws me in and always leaves me feeling changed afterward, so I know I'm in for a fantastic read with this one!

Here's a bit about the book:

18-year-old Vincent Hazelwood has spent his entire life being shuffled from one foster home to the next. His grades sucked. Making friends? Out of the question thanks to his nervous breakdowns and unpredictable moods. Still, Vince thought when Maggie Atkins took him in, he might’ve finally found a place to get his life—and his issues—in order.

But then Maggie keels over from a heart attack. Vince is homeless, alone, and the inheritance money isn't going to last long. A year ago, Vince watched a girl leap to her death off a bridge, and now he's starting to think she had the right idea.

Vince stumbles across a website forum geared toward people considering suicide. There, he meets others with the same debate regarding the pros and cons of death: Casper, battling cancer, would rather off herself than slowly waste away. And there’s quiet, withdrawn Adam, who suspects if he died, his mom wouldn't even notice.

As they gravitate toward each other, Vince searches for a reason to live while coping without Maggie's guidance, coming to terms with Casper's imminent death, and falling in love with a boy who doesn't plan on sticking around.

And a bit about Kelley!

Once upon a time, Kelley York was born in central California. And it's there she she still  esides with her lovely wife, step-daughter, and an abundance of cats, while fantasizing  bout moving to England or Ireland. She has a fascination with bells and animals, is a lover of video games, Doctor Who, manga and anime, and likes to pretend she’s a decent photographer. Her life goal is to find a real unicorn. Or at least write about them.

Kelley is a sucker for dark fiction. She loves writing twisted characters, tragic happenings, and bittersweet endings that leave you wondering and crying. Character development takes center stage in her books because the bounds of a person's character and the workings of their mind are limitless.

Be sure to follow Kelley on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads and her website, and make sure you grab a copy of SUICIDE WATCH on December 20th!

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