Monday, June 16, 2014

Ready? Set. Write! 2014: Week 2

Wow, this week flew by. I can't believe it's already Monday again, and time to update on where I am with my current WIP as part of Ready? Set. Write! 

Ready? Set. Write! is a summer writing intensive that provides an opportunity for us writers to cheer each other on wherever we’re at in our writing—planning, drafting, or revising. This year, the RSW hosts are Alison Miller, Katy Upperman,Erin Funk and Jaime Morrow. Be sure to visit any of these wonderful ladies' sites to get all the deets, and to sign up if you wanna join in the fun!

Where my WIP, BOXED, sits currently:

Okay, so BOXED only has right at 16,800 words (those are computer words; as in, ones I've actually transferred from paper to screen). But, they're good words--at least I think so. And every word counts, even if it's only a few a day, which was more often the case this past week thanks to school overload. But I'm still going!

This week's goal:

I really hope to add a significant chunk to that word count by next Monday. A few scenes have been rolling around in my head for a while now, and my goal is to get said scenes down. Fingers crossed.

This week's inspiration:

I've been ogling images of one of the main characters in BOXED, Sam. It's a really tough job, but I'm up for the challenge.

Challenges I'm facing:

Besides school and the day job (don't ya just love those?), I'm also facing the direction I want the story to go. I mean, I have an idea in mind, but for some reason there's a tiny whisper of a voice saying maybe I should shift that direction. Ugh. 

My fave line(s) so far:

There are many, really, but for the sake of this post, I'll pick just one.

His hand falls onto my stomach, those should-be-marked-as-deadly-weapons fingers slipping beneath my shirt and swirling around my abs and making it very hard to focus on…anything else.

Be sure to check back next Monday for more of my progress on BOXED!


  1. A cool way to keep on top of your work Jamie.

  2. Awesome line! Definitely a teaser ;). MB and I are always here to bounce ideas off of! I can't wait to read this one :)
