Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday: Movie Edition!!

The lovely Jill (a fellow Alabamian!) over at Breaking the Spine created the Waiting on Wednesday meme for us bloggers to showcase books we're waiting on.

Today I've decided to shake things up just a bit. Instead of showcasing a book I'm dying to read (and believe me, there are plenty!), I decided to turn the spotlight on a movie I seriously can't wait to see. And I know I'm not alone. So today, enjoy the tiny teaser revealed on the VMAs just this past Sunday. Yep, I'm talking about...

The Hunger Games - 2012

Even though this teaser was pretty lame (I mean, not one shot of Peeta or Gale? Not even one?!), it still got me all excited for March 2012 to roll around. How about you? Are you as excited as I am for this one?


  1. SO SO SO SOOOOOO excited to see this movie!!!

  2. I wanted Peeta! Just a glimpse is all I need! I think I'm going to have to find some people and talk them into the midnight premier. Might should get them to read the books first...hmm... :)

  3. HAHHA! Movie edition! Most awesome!!

    Can't wait!!

    Paranormal Wastelands' WoW:

  4. I'm very excited to see this movie! I loved the books! New follower!

    My WoW
