Thursday, March 28, 2013

Three Line Thursdays--Week 9!

I can't believe it, but my second novel comes out in less than one month (yay!). And keeping with tradition, I've brought back Three Line Thursdays to help celebrate!

What exactly is Three Line Thursdays? It's simple, really. Every Thursday between now and the release of BLOOD AWAKENING, I'm going to tease you guys with three random lines from the book! I'll treat this just like Teaser Tuesdays, by turning to random pages and selecting three lines (take that, two-line Tuesdays!). Fun, right?!

     I offered a shy smile and walked away from him, from the guy I loved—by far one of the most difficult things I had done since waking up half dead. Somewhere in the back of my mind, a tiny voice was telling me that it was for the final time, and a twitch in my heart was agreeing. I had fought a coven of vampires, trained with one of the oldest and most powerful monsters in the world, and even survived high school, and yet turning my back on Chance was near impossible to do.


  1. Those are intriguing three lines. How long until release day?

    1. Thanks! Release day is April 23--only a few more weeks. :-)
