Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's Double-Chat Thursday!!

Tonight's gonna be a busy one, because I'll be taking part in not one, but TWO Twitter chats! The first...

I'll be joining Pendrell authors Lani Woodland, DJ DeSmyter, Angela Corbett, Dan Haring and SC Langgle for a live chat, where we'll answer YOUR questions about our books, writing, what we had for breakfast...anything! Chat begins at 8pm EST, so be sure to follow #PendrellChat to keep up. Oh, and there'll be giveaways, too!

And second...

#JenniferEcholsWeek continues! Tonight, again at 8pm EST, those who loves Echols and her books will be chatting it up live, so come on and join the fun! Just follow #JenniferEcholsWeek and chime in anytime!

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