Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Cover Redesigns!

I'm super excited to join in the Top Ten Tuesday weekly feature meme created by the fabulous The Broke and the Bookish! It looks to be a fun time on Tuesdays now!

This week: 


1. PANDEMONIUM by Lauren Oliver -- This cover is beautiful, don't get me wrong, but it's missing the uniqueness of the DELIRIUM cover that I just loved. This one just doesn't seem to fit IMO, though I do actually like it. Weird, huh? 

2. BEFORE I FALL by Lauren Oliver -- I promise I don't have a vendetta against Ms. Oliver, really. But this cover just...I don't know, it just doesn't work for me. It seems so generic and odd for the story inside.

3. HALF-BLOOD by Jennifer L. Armentrout -- Okay, I have to start by saying that I love, love, love Jennifer L. Armentrout. Seriously. Her talent is amazing. Truly. But this cover--and subsequently, all the covers in this series--just doesn't do it for me. It's a beautiful photo, but the font and placement just doesn't work. And the image doesn't really convey the true nature of the story, either. Another one that would do well with a remake.

4. THE BOYS NEXT DOOR by Jennifer Echols -- Anyone that knows me knows how much I adore Jennifer Echols. Seriously. And not just her writing, but the author as well. And this book (as well as its sequel) is one of my faves by her. But this cover is just all wrong on so many levels. If I could, I'd toss all of it and start fresh--maybe with some real models instead of cartoons? 

5. WITHER by Lauren DeStefano -- This is another cover that I love in pieces, but that just doesn't work as is. I don't really know how to explain it, but everything from the vintage feel to the weird graphic lines and circles--it doesn't say anything to me. Another I'd completely redo if given the chance. 

6. ACROSS THE UNIVERSE by Beth Revis -- Okay, so I've yet to jump on this trilogy bandwagon, so I can't say as to the story inside, but this cover doesn't wow me in any way. I mean, I get that there's obviously a romance and the setting is space, but the tagline asks what it takes to survive on a spaceship fueled by lies--and I just don't get that from the images here.

7. THE SCORPIO RACES by Maggie Stiefvater -- Is it just me, or does this cover remind you of the cheesy romance novels from the eighties? Oh, just me? Nevermind, then.

8. LAMENT by Maggie Stiefvater -- Someone call my high school computer teacher. Tell him I've found our missing final exam.

9. BAD TASTE IN BOYS by Carrie Harris -- Um, you got a little something on your lip, there, missy. 

10. UNRAVEL ME by Tahereh Mafi -- This cover is beautiful. Truly. But I don't get the "unravel" part, so it doesn't feel like it works with the title to me. But gorgeous nonetheless. 


  1. Nice list! I haven't read BAD TASTE IN BOYS, but yes, that cover is a bit weird... I don't know if I'd read that based solely off of the cover.

  2. Great list and I agree with all of these! The Scorpio Races and Lament aren't the same covers that we have here, but those are really awful - they look really old! My TTT.

  3. LOL at bad taste in boys. that cover is hideous. I hate hate hate lip covers.
