Thursday, March 24, 2011

Author Interview - Ami Blackwelder

Today I would like to welcome the talented Ami Blackwelder to my humble blog. Ami is the author of countless novels (just visit her website to peruse the massive list) and is currently on a blog tour for her latest work, The Shifters of 2040. A huge thanks to Ami for letting me be a part of her tour, and for stopping by today!

Please, enjoy the interview!

So Ami, I must begin with the obligatory question: How long have you wanted to be a writer?

I can't really say I wanted to be a writer, I've just always been a far back as I can remember, telling imaginative stories in my head. In elementary school I tried to convince people I was an alien and playing hide and seek, a robot. I was always an innocent way :) . I was always writing stories my teachers would share out loud as well and then in college, I majored in English and wrote a story winning Best Fiction that year and semi-finals in the Laurel Hemingway contest. I wrote short stories and poetry following that and eventually novels.

Imaginative at an early age...I love it! I see on your blog that you are a Teacher with a BA in English. Do you think that's a necessity for becoming a writer, or can anyone with a love of reading/writing and a gift with words be successful?

I majored in English, but not grammar. My focus was actually creative writing which is where I think the importance is when telling a story. Grammar can also be handled later. All you need is passion, imagination and dedication.

I couldn't agree more! Judging by the EXTENSIVE list of forthcoming Ami Blackwelder novels (seriously, it's a lot!) displayed on your blog, do you manage to find time to do other things--like eat and sleep?! What's something you enjoy doing in your "free" time?

LOL- I write about 3 chapters a week, so really that is not so much. Honestly, I don't understand why some writers take years for just one novel. If you write something everyday or every can do it. I do teach, I am training for Montessori teaching now, and work as a teacher's assistant. I also have another online job.

Wow, it looks like you can add Master Juggler to your resume'! It seems that successful self-published authors are showing up practically daily. Do you think self-publishing is the new future of the publishing industry? And what swayed you to go the self-publishing vs. traditional publishing route?

YES! Independent authors are the new Independent movies. As long as we match the standard, as in editing, cover design, etc...we will set a good record for readers to trust us. Unfortunately a lot of crap still gets through and hopefully in the future websites will have quality indie and self published authors only. Big publishers will have to adapt. I do believe that. The world is changing, the way readers can access information and novels is changing and writers see that!

I had a publisher at first with my first novel The Gate of Lake Forest, and she still handles that series. But after learning the business and watching my writer friends fail this way and that with "publishers"...I decided to go my own way. I saw other writer friends succeed with their books through self publishing. I mean really succeed. Best sellers lists on kindle and nook, picking up BIG publishers after dramatic sales increases, and of course there are those older writer stories (Eragon and Beatriz Potter and even James Patterson) who self published before they got picked up by that BIG house!

I love that you're traditionally and self published, that's so great! Finally, the question I like to ask: If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only have one book to read, which would it be and why?

One book? Ok, I'm going to take this as a fiction and non-fiction option:) My Bible/or Rumi (or a spiritual guide), and the The Shifters of 2040 of course! :)

Of course! Thanks so much for doing this, Ami!


  1. Great interview! Will definitely check out some of her books. :)

  2. Thanks Pam Harris!

    The Shifter, the Hybrids and The Hunted are all out now and SCM of 2030 will be released in a month!
