Monday, September 12, 2011

My book has a cover!

Saturday, the awesome Alex at Electrifying Reviews hosted a cover reveal for Blood Born, my YA paranormal that comes out next spring (April 24th to be exact!). And so far, the response has been positive (which makes me SO happy!). But today, I thought I would post the cover here for anyone who has yet to see it. And because I love it just as much as everyone else!

Seriously, the designer behind it knew exactly where I was coming from in what I was asking for, like he stepped inside my head and pulled out the image I's amazing!

So, for anyone who may not have caught sight of this over the weekend, I give you the cover of Blood Born:

And as an added bonus, here is the cover that will actually be on the book, complete with an awesome blurb from the equally awesome Trisha Wolfe. Her book, Destiny's Fire, comes out in January, so be sure to pick it up!

Not sure if you can enlarge it enough to actually read Trisha's blurb (which was so awesome), but this is what it will look like...and I'm so excited and happy and still in shock that this is going to be an actual book that I will be able to hold in my hands and stare at and cry over (yes, there will probably be tears on that day. Sue me)!

So, I hope you all will leave a comment letting me know what you think of my cover, and please feel free to spread the word...tell all your friends! (And if you want, you can add it to your Goodreads TBR lists here!)


  1. Look at you! It's all real & stuff :-) so, so happy for you J! I can not wait to read your book!!!!

  2. Thanks, G! Yeah, it still isn't sinking in for me! =)

  3. Oh Jamie its wonderful! I love the back ground looking all New Orleans Cemetery like! So happy for you!

    Teri aka Dirtybrit

  4. Thanks Tee (I love the cemetery,'s a really cool local one!)!

    Thanks so much Lisa!

  5. Great cover - it's amazing! The colors pop on it and it's very eye catching:)

    Good reading ~ Escape by Fiction

  6. Wow! Your cover is awesome and I think your book sounds fantastic. I've added it to my TBR list and am looking forward to it!

  7. Escape by Fiction - Thanks so much...I think he did an amazing job, too!

    Amber - Thanks so much for adding it! I hope that once you read it you enjoy it! =)

  8. So so beautiful! Cant wait to read it!!! Now what does the blurb say?!

  9. Congratulations! That's a great cover! :)

  10. Ah!!! That is too cool :) YOUR FREAKING NAME IS ON A BOOK COVER!!! So happy for you, hon. Congrats!

  11. Great cover! I can't wait to get my ARC. I think you need a feature wall with this cover on it!! ;0)

  12. Mandie - Thanks so much! =)

    Golden - Thank you--and yeah he did an amazing job!

    Mickey - Thank you!!

    Marquita - I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW!!! It's just crazy! And thank you so much! =)

    Tracy - Thank you! And I hope you like the inside as much! =)

    Melanie - Thanks!
