Friday, February 24, 2012

A post where I mention I'm going to a little thing called BEA

I tried to get clever with that title, but alas...I failed. 

But you got the point of it, right? You didn't? Oh. Well. Lemme try again.


Got it that time? Good.

You read that right...I will be attending BEA in June! I'm so over-the-moon excited to be attending the biggest book event of the year, and cannot wait to rub elbows with other authors and fans of books! To get away for a few days is gonna be heaven, but to spend those few days talking nothing but books and writing and publishing? 

Cannot. Wait.

Just in case you're one of the few who has no idea what it is, click HERE to get all the info on BEA. My publisher, Pendrell Publishing, will have a booth throughout the entire event, so if you happen to be going, be sure to stop by and say hi to me and other Pendrell authors! We'll be in booth 2040, adjacent to the Digital Zone, so come see us! 

And on Thursday, June 7th, we'll be selling/signing books ALL DAY, so be sure to come by and grab a copy of each of Pendrell's great titles. And we'll also be revealing the TITLE and COVER for the second book in THE BLOOD PROPHECY TRILOGY while there, so be sure to come by and see! (And we'll be posting it on Twitter, too, in case you can't make it!)

Hope to see you all there...and YAY! I'm going to BEA!! :)


  1. YEAH for BEA and I'm so excited you are going! I was last year and I looooved it!!! I'm so happy I can go again this year and I hope we will see each other there - would be great to meet you!

  2. Congratulations! I am very excited and happy for you. :)

  3. Ahhh I wish I could be there to hang out with you! Unfortunately my budget only allows one book event per year (and I used it up at ALA Midwinter). You are going to have such an amazing time in NYC. I am super jealous. So happy for you J!!!

    1. Aw! I wish you could be there, too, G!! We would have a blast, huh? Maybe I can make it to the one you go to next year! :)

  4. That is amazing!!! You'll have a blast. Can't wait for the recap!!!

    1. Thanks MB, I can't wait! And no worries...there'll be lots of recapping! :)

  5. This will be my first year of going to BEA too! My friend and I have already booked our room, and now we're just trying to figure out what we tickets we need to get. Cannot wait to see you there!

  6. yey! i’m going to! i’m gonna hunt you there! :) :)
