Friday, July 27, 2012

TGIF at GReads!

The awesomeness that is Ginger (or G, as I like to call her!) over at GReads! has created a great meme that is tons of fun. Each Friday, she poses a question for anyone to answer. Go check her out and join in the fun!

Christmas in July:

If Santa were to come down your chimney
in the middle of the summer,
which books would you want him to
leave for you under the tree?

 This is such a fun question! Book lovers know that no matter the time of year, being gifted with a book is the best thing EVER. And Christmas in July is a close second! lol

So, here's my list of books I would love Santa to leave me if he happens to stop by on his way to the beach for a summer vacation. :)

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

I've heard nothing but great things about this book, and I really want to read it--especially before the movie comes out!

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith

This is another one that I keep hearing great things about. I love the title, and really wanna give it a shot to see if it's as great as people say it is.

Hushed by Kelley York

I read this as an ebook, and fell in love with the writing and the awesome characters (Team Ever! lol). Now, I want a physical copy to add to my collection. Ears up, Santa!

Destiny's Fire by Trisha Wolfe

This is another one that I read in ebook form, and I really want a hard copy so I can stare at that lovely cover.

What's on your wish list if Christmas came in July? Join the TGIF fun!


  1. I loved Destiny's Fire. I need a copy too.


  2. I haven't read Destiny's Fire but i love the cover.

    Great List!


  3. I've read The Perks..and I also wanted to have Statistical.
    Here's my post:
    Michelle Shouts Random: TGIF
    Happy Friday!
    *New follower. :)

  4. I really want to read Destiny's Fire, I keep hearing good things about it. Haven't yet read the other books though, have a good Friday!

  5. I keep forgetting about The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight. Definately on my wish list.

  6. I've been meaning to read Perks of Being a Wallflower since high school...a long time. Now that the movie's coming out, it'll jump start me reading it before going to see the movie :) New Follower. Drop by for a visit at and follow if you'd like :)

  7. I've read 3 out of 4 books on your list (the only one I haven't read is hushed) and I must say, they're all REALLY good. I especially love TSPOLAFS - it's so awesome!
