Monday, August 27, 2012

Cover Reveal...NATURALS by Tiffany Truitt!

You guys, I am so excited to be part of the cover reveal for the second book in Tiffany Truitt's The Lost Souls series! I read CHOSEN ONES a couple of weeks ago and love it--an awesome dystopian!

Needless to say I am stoked  for NATURALS, the second in the series, to come out--and what better way to keep that excitement going than to ogle its awesome cover, right? ;-)

Without further ado, here it is, the cover for NATURALS, book 2 in The Lost Souls series!

Isn't that just awesome?! I love the cracked ground beneath her, and the splash of red hair is a stark contrast that just works...nice!

Here's a bit about the book:

by Tiffany Truitt
pub date April 19, 2013

product description from

Tess is finally safe from the reach of the Council, now that she is living in the Middlelands with the rebel Isolationists. With James having returned to Templeton, she easily falls back into her friendship with Henry, though her newfound knowledge of Robert’s chosen one status still stings. Even surrounded by people, Tess has never felt more alone. So she’s thrilled when James returns to the settlement, demanding to see Tess — until she finds out that it’s because her sister, Louisa, has been recruited into Tess’s old position at Templeton, and that the dangerously sadistic chosen one George has taken an interest in her.

LOVE it! Seriously, can't wait for this book! You can pre-order NATURALS here

Here's a bit about the author:

Tiffany Truitt was born in Peoria, Illinois. A self-proclaimed Navy brat, Tiffany spent most of her childhood living in Virginia, but don’t call her a Southerner. She also spent a few years living in Cuba. Since her time on the island of one McDonald's and Banana Rats (don't ask) she has been obsessed with traveling. Tiffany recently added China to her list of travels (hello inspiration for a new book).

Besides traveling, Tiffany has always been an avid reader. The earliest books she remembers reading belong to The Little House on the Prairie Series. First book she read in one day? Little Woman(5th grade). First author she fell in love with? Jane Austen in middle school. Tiffany spent most of her high school and college career as a literary snob. She refused to read anything considered “low brow” or outside the “classics.”

Tiffany began teaching middle school in 2006. Her students introduced her to the wide, wonderful world of Young Adult literature. Today, Tiffany embraces popular Young Adult literature and uses it in her classroom. She currently teaches the following novels:
The Outsiders, Speak, Night. Dystopian Literature The Hunger Games, The Giver, The Uglies and Matched.

I just love that she teaches using awesome books like THE HUNGER GAMES! If you'd like to stalk keep tabs on Tiffany, here's her Website and Twitter!


Since my followers are pure awesomesauce, I'm giving you guys the chance to win a copy of the first book in Tiffany Truitt's The Lost Souls series, CHOSEN ONES!

Simply fill out the rafflecopter below!

Edited: Contest is US only--sorry International peeps!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'd say Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. This could be a while!

  2. The Hunger Games series could keep you going a while. Stay safe!

  3. "Like Water for Chocolate" by Laura Esquivel. Everyone should give it a try!

  4. If you like Greek mythology, I'd say Abandon by Meg Cabot. Great book!

  5. Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series would last you a while and it's one of my favorites.

  6. I just finished Decked With Holly by Marni Bates...her first one, Awkward, is cute. Or The Selection by Kiera Cass.

  7. The Hunger Games if you haven't read it yet!

  8. Angelfall by Susan Ee blew me away!

  9. Across the Universe by Beth Revis! It's so good!

  10. I know it's already been said, but I suggest getting the Hunger Games trilogy.
