Friday, August 3, 2012

TGIF at GReads!

The awesomeness that is Ginger (or G, as I like to call her!) over at GReads! has created a great meme that is tons of fun. Each Friday, she poses a question for anyone to answer. Go check her out and join in the fun!

Book Olympics:

In the spirit of the
Olympics, which books
 would you give the gold, 
silver and bronze?

This has got to be the toughest of all your TGIF questions, G--now we know a tiny fraction of what the Olympic judges must go through! Picking three books that we are to award medals? Impossible! 

But, in the spirit of the Olympic events, I'm gonna give it a shot. And since the plethora of novels is so overwhelmingly huge, I'm limiting my choices to YA dystopian (mainly because that's what I'm currently writing and reading, lol), just to help simplify things for me. :)

Here are my top three picks...

by Emmy Laybourne
BRONZE, YA Dystopian Olympics 2012

This book was a most exciting read, filled with very plausible possibilities that could bring on the apocolypse that many people feel is imminent. It's written in a fun, unique style, and brimming with exciting tension. It fought hard for the Silver Medal, but fell short due to a few too many characters that could have been pared down a bit.

by Lauren Oliver
SILVER, YA Dystopian Olympics 2012

When I first read this book, I fell in love with everything about it. Beautiful prose, outstanding characters, a touching yet terrifying story of love. The reason this one almost got bronze instead of silver is because I felt a huge disconnect in the sequel. Though it was still a beautiful story, it felt too different from the original, like the members of the olympic team were not all on the same page (ha!). 

And the winner is...

by Suzanne Collins
GOLD, YA Dystopian Olympics 2012

Honestly, when it comes to dystopian, all others have no choice but to bow down to this stunning series. THG is the Michael Phelps of YA dystopian. Filled with amazing characters, brilliant writing, spot-on descriptions and gut-wrenching tension, THE HUNGER GAMES TRILOGY definitely deserves to stand on the upper tier of the medal podium, waving to the crowd of well-wishers and wannabes!

There you have it, my choices for the top winners in YA dystopian. I admit that I haven't read all the dystops out there, but from what I have, I feel confident in my selections. If anyone would like to challenge me, I gladly accept cash bribes. ;-P


  1. YAY, The Hunger Games!
    Great picks!
    I haven't read Monument 14 but I hope I soon will.
    Here's my FF/TGIF.
    Happy Friday!

  2. Awesome ranking! I would join in on this but I kind of suck at objectively ranking books. I just love them all! ;)

  3. I definitely think that The Hunger Games trilogy is a great example of dystopian fiction. I just could not put down the books while I was reading them - and they made me cry so much too!

    I have yet to read Delirium and Monument 14, but hopefully, I get to do that soon!

  4. The Hunger Games IS the Michael Phelps of YA Dystopian. Perfect comparison cause it's not even close!

    I hadn't heard of Monument 14 so I'll have to pick that one up.
