Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bleeders Book Blog Tour

Today I'm happy to be a part of the blog tour for Michaela Haze's book, The Bleeders. I haven't read the book yet (I know, how horrible of me to be a part of the tour and not read the book!) but it's on my list! But here's a little insight into the author's typical day. Enjoy.

Okay, so you may be reading this because you’re following THE BLEEDERS BOOK BLOG TOUR, or you are a follower of the blog that this happens to be on. First I am going to introduce myself. So…hi. I’m Michaela Haze. The reason you are probably reading this is because I have written a book called The Bleeders, and some people like it, so that’s why I am here.

For this guest post/blog tour segment, I decided to write a little piece on how I spend my time. Not to get sympathy but at the moment I am sitting in my bed with food poisoning and worrying about deadlines. One of the perks of being a writer—when you’re sick at home you’re sick at work.

My favourite parts of being a writer are definitely when people tell me how much my book made them feel—or how upset or happy parts made them. Another favourite part is the fact that when I go to ‘work’ I get to wear whatever I want. I love my sweatpants, though I would never wear them outside.

Book days?

A book day is categorised by the radius how little sleep/food is partaken compared to the amount of works written in a 24 hour period.

As a writer, when I am having one of my book days I tend to write from when I wake up until about 4am, only to wake up around lunchtime and start all over again. A book day generally starts when I have a dream or have really been stuck into a scene—people around me generally don’t want to be around me when I am having a book day because I don’t tend to shower or eat…

Anyway, those happen around once a month when about three book days clump together.

On a normal day, I wake up around 7am and go to university for morning classes. Normally I wear high heels because every time I leave the house I try and make a little bit of an effort because it is the opposite when I am at home. My friends normally know me for the bow that I wear on my head; the opposite of Sophia Taylor, the character of THE BLEEDERS unfortunately, who wouldn’t be caught dead in anything like that. I go to morning classes and normally get home around 4pm, and then I will sit down and do all of my university assignments.

After that I write for about 3 hours and then edit for a further hour and a half. I tend to get to sleep at around midnight as I set limits and word counts but I tend to just stretch over them.

My favourite days are Tuesdays and Thursdays because they are my own personal weekend days, as I don’t get weekends off as I work part time. I don’t earn enough money from my writing to not have a job, but I don’t mind. I don’t really do it for the money—I do it because I need it.

Writing exorcises demons and feeds the soul. Not to sound cheesy or anything.

So that’s a typical day in the life of Michaela Haze.

Thank you for reading.

Thanks for stopping by today, guys. And visit Michaela's website for more info on this writer!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could go to work in sweats :( Unfortnately I HAVE to wear dress pants...stupid dress pants lol
