Thursday, February 17, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday...on Thursday: Those That Wake

The lovely Jill (a fellow Alabamian!) over at Breaking the Spine created the Waiting on Wednesday meme for us bloggers to showcase books we're waiting on.

Well as I'm sure you've noticed, this is posting on Thursday instead of Wednesday. That's because yesterday I was part of a blog tour and I didn't want to take focus away from the author of the book that is touring. So I posted my WoW as a, anyway. I like this week's choice so much, I didn't want any of you to miss out. I've chosen another YA dystopian (what can I say, I love 'em!) that some of you may not have heard of. If you haven't, then please take a look at...

Those That Wake
By Jesse Karp
Pub Date 3/21/11

product description from

New York City’s spirit has been crushed. People walk the streets with their heads down, withdrawing from one another and into the cold comfort of technology. Teenagers Mal and Laura have grown up in this reality. They’ve never met. Seemingly, they never will.

But on the same day Mal learns his brother has disappeared, Laura discovers her parents have forgotten her. Both begin a search for their families that leads them to the same truth: someone or something has wiped the teens from the memories of every person they have ever known. Thrown together, Mal and Laura must find common ground as they attempt to reclaim their pasts.

Ooh, sounds good, right? And it's only a month away!!!


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  2. oooh that sounds cool! thanks for sharing! =D
