Sunday, February 20, 2011

MAX-imum Exposure Blog Tour - It's Pietr!

Welcome to the MAX-imum Exposure Tour for the 13 to Life Series! Each site throughout the tour will have swag and an individualized interview with either Pietr, Max or both! Shannon has also included an audio download for each interview so you can hear the Rusakova boys!

And make sure you join us live at 9pm EST on 2/17 at Mundie Moms for a live chatroom chat with Max, Pietr and Shannon!

And here's today's interview!

So, Pietr, what do you think of Junction? Having fun?

Junction is the type of town that--how do you say it? Grows on you. It does not seem to offer much at first, but when you take a closer look you realize there is much more to it than you ever imagined.

Let's just address the giant elephant in the room, shall we? You're gorgeous. Hot. Russian. Hot. Um, yeah, sorry. Bet you get that a lot?

Spasiba--thank you. It is true I have been told by girls that I am good looking. I appreciate the complement. But it may be more than simple looks that works on the girls I meet and so I wear my necklace to keep my animal magnetism at bay.

Nice necklace, by the way.

Spasiba. Our parents gave us each one. And--to return to your question--although I appreciate the complements I receive, it means much more coming from the right person.

Do you mean Jessie?

Da. I hope she is the right person. I have put a great deal of trust in her.

Good luck, Pietr, and thanks!


Shannon Delany is the winner of the first-ever cell phone novel contest in the western world and the author of the 13 to Life series through St. Martin's Press. 13 to Life is already available and Secrets and Shadows hits stores 2/15/11 with Bargains and Betrayals landing on shelves 8/16/11 (already available for pre-order!)and two more as of yet unnamed novels coming out in 2012.

For more about Shannon, visit her author website: or her series You can also find Shannon on Facebook and on Twitter at

Want a fun freebie you can print out and use with a web-cam to make a bookmark much more than a bookmark? Go here and check out the Augmented Reality bookmark:

Thanks so much to Shannon for allowing me to be a part of her tour, and to Pietr for taking the time to answer my questions. You both rock!


  1. I've been wanting to read that book but have had to ground myself from buying books for the moment. Cute interview Jamie.

  2. Patricia - Thanks, glad you liked! It really is a good book. I somehow have to find the time to read the second one now!
    Thanks for stopping by!
