Friday, May 6, 2011

TGIF over at GReads!

The awesomeness that is Ginger (or G, as I like to call her) over at GReads! has created a great meme that is tons of fun. Each Friday, she poses a question for anyone to answer. Go check her out and join in!

This Friday's Question:

Book Blogger Identity:
What occupies your time when
you're not reading or blogging?

This one is pretty easy for me to answer right now. Writing. Yep, that's what's taking up my free time. Well, most of it anyway. I do make time for my dogs (I have three shih tzus that I LOVE) and for my TV (can't live without TV), but other than that you can find me either at the computer or with a notebook and pencil scribbling away. Now that I'm on deadline I have to write...have to.

Wait, you didn't hear? Yeah, I have a deadline. Why? Oh, because I'm gonna be published! Still can't get over that one. So I'm hard at work on editing the first book in my YA paranormal trilogy (Blood Born is slated for release next Spring), then it's off to the publisher to await yet more revisions. Then back to me and more editing, back to the publisher and more get the idea. Then I'll be doing even more writing on the second and third books (can't wait!).

So needless to say this answer is pretty much going to apply to my life for a while--hopefully forever, because I don't intend to stop writing any time soon!


  1. That's a pretty awesome way to spend your free time, Jamie ;-) TGIF!!

  2. I agree with Ginger--I wish I used all my free time for writing! Most of the time, I'm plopped in front of the TV. The amount of shows I have on my DVR is ridiculous! But I plan on making up my writing time this summer when I have a break from work. :)

  3. Pam - I think we're kindred spirits...I'm exactly the same way (notice I said TV in the post?) I have so many shows DVRed it's insane. I'm actually looking forward to all the finales so I'll have more free time!

  4. When I'm not reading or blogging, I'm writing or daydreaming about ideas or wasting time on the internet (bad Sophia!) or watching TV/movies, which I'm gonna allow as 'researching story structure'. Yep, not for fun at all.
    - Sophia.

  5. Sophia - Sure it's not for fun...sure. ;-)

  6. A mix between writing, making jewelry and knitting take up my time when I'm not writing. I could add wasting time w/ a friend online too if I wanted to be completely honest.

  7. Patricia - Oh yeah, the wasting time online is a big part of my day, too...but it's so fun!
