Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday: Silence

The lovely Jill (a fellow Alabamian!) over at Breaking the Spine created the Waiting on Wednesday meme for us bloggers to showcase books we're waiting on.

The cover for this week's selection was just released Monday and I have to say that I love it. And I can't wait to actually see it in print because I already know it's going to have that shiny metallic finish like it's two predecessors. My WoW this week is...

By Becca Fitzpatrick
Pub date 10/4/2011

product description from

The noise between Patch and Nora is gone. They've overcome the secrets riddled in Patch's dark past...bridged two irreconcilable worlds...faced heart-wrenching tests of betrayal, loyalty and trust...and all for a love that will transcend the boundary between heaven and earth. Armed with nothing but their absolute faith in one another, Patch and Nora enter a desperate fight to stop a villain who holds the power to shatter everything they've worked for—and their love—forever.

I don't know about all of you, but I can't wait to find out what happens between Patch and Nora. And what's a better almost-Halloween gift than an angel with black wings, right?


  1. I'm so excited to read this book too! I can't wait to find out what happens next. Crescendo left us with SUCH a cliffhanger!! Great pick, Jamie :-)

  2. I haven't read any of this series yet, but the covers are always beautiful. :)

  3. I just heard about this series online the other day :) Looks good! Nice pick for your WOW :)

  4. PS. I love the name of your blog lol!

  5. I still have to read book 2 but I love that cover.
