Friday, May 20, 2011

TGIF over at GReads!

The awesomeness that is Ginger (or G, as I like to call her) over at
GReads! has created a great meme that is tons of fun. Each Friday, she poses a question for anyone to answer. Go check her out and join in!

This Friday's Question:

Back to the Basics:
What was the first book
you reviewed on your

The first book I ever "reviewed" on my blog was an adult book that lots of people have heard of, but one that many of you may not have (you know, since most of us are really into YA). And I thought that since I'm such a nice guy, I'd copy that review for you here...check it out!

Just wanted to mention a great book - "Dark Places" by Gillian Flynn. Check out her website at for her bio (which is cool) and another of her excellent books, "Sharp Objects".

If you can handle some adult subject matter, "Dark Places" is an awesome book. Amazing writing with very creative description that doesn't overpower the story, which is well developed.

The main character, Libby Day, is the sole survivor of a massacre who grows up under the eye of the public and without the proper guidance or support to handle what happened to her family when she was a child. Her brother is fingered as the killer by her and spends his life behind bars while Libby tries to deal with her new life.

Enter a secret "Kill Club" who likes to delve into true crimes that approaches Libby with questions about her testimony all those years ago. After prompting questions, Libby begins to wonder about her brother's guilt. To avoid giving away anything, I'll just say that the truth finally comes out and it's a shock - to Libby AND to the reader.

This novel isn't very long, but by no means a quick read. It pulls you in from the beginning with it's short, precise sentences and excellent pacing. You immediately begin to care for the characters - especially Libby and the horrendous trauma she experienced. With chapters written from the point of view of both Libby's mom and her brother on that horrible day, you find yourself caring about them as well.

"Dark Places" is recommended as a great mystery with spot-on writing, perfect pacing, and excellent characters...enjoy!


  1. I should probably pull my nose out of YA books from time to time & pick up an adult read. But it's SO hard!! lol Thanks for joining in TGIF Jamie :-) enjoy your weekend!

  2. That book sounds awesome-tastic. Might have to check that one out!

  3. This one sounds interesting. Thanks! Another one for the ever growning LIST! :0)
