Thursday, June 23, 2011

Just an FYI

Hey all, I don't really have a post set up for today, so I thought I'd let those of you interested know that my publisher, Pendrell Publishing, is now accepting requests for ARCs of my book, Blood Born.


So, if you'd like one, please visit their website for information (they're also taking requests for Indelible and Eternal Starling, too).

And just in case you were wondering, my publisher is reading through the initial revisions I made, so I'm eagerly awaiting word on those so I can get back into editing. Then my plan is to get to work on Book 2!


  1. Woo hoo! Can't wait to read it. :)

  2. I requested one too. My first request and new to blogging, so we will see what they say. crossing my fingers. :0)

  3. Thanks everybody for requesting...I hope you all get an ARC--and I hope you actually enjoy it!

  4. I just got confirmation that I will be getting an e copy! I am very excited and can't wait! :0)
