Friday, June 24, 2011

TGIF over at GReads!

The awesomeness that is Ginger (or G, as I like to call her) over at GReads! has created a great meme that is tons of fun. Each Friday, she poses a question for anyone to answer. Go check her out and join in!

This Friday's Question:

Summer Love:

Where's your ideal place

to take a summer vacation

and get lost in a book?

I must give G some credit...she comes up with some great questions, right? So, where is my fave place to get lost in a book? Well that's an easy a book! haha!

Nah, just foolin'. But honestly, there's no "special place" that I prefer when reading (except maybe my bed!). If I had to give an actual place, I would have to say the beach.

actual shot of Pensacola Beach, Florida

Even though I don't much care for it, the beach is a great place to escape life. I'm fortunate to live only a few minutes from the beach, and even though there are spots down here where the hordes of people frequent,

Another shot of Pcola Beach...busy, but not even peak season!

there are also tiny little spots of tranquil seclusion.

Also Pcola Beach. Doesn't that just call to you?

So finding a quiet place to plop a chair and umbrella and crack open a book is pretty easy. An expert blend of crashing waves, warmth, breeze, and shade...yeah, I could get lost in a book there. Or take a really great nap, whichever comes first!

And being on the beach during a sunset? Fuhgeddaboutit!

Pcola Beach at Sunset...beautiful.

What about you guys? Anyone else like falling into the pages of a great book while enjoying a beach view?


  1. I much prefer the tranquil version of the beach! And the sunset -- although I probably wouldn't get much reading done during that!

  2. If I'm vacationing at the beach I love to read paperback mysteries. I'm hoping to get to the beach sometime this summer, but my porch is my favorite reading spot for now. :)

  3. Annette - Yes, me too. Doesn't that look so inviting!

    Booking It - LOVE reading on the front porch...especially in Spring when there's a cool breeze!

    Thanks for stopping by you guys!

  4. Beautiful shots! I have some very similar ones from my old house in Destin. Used to live less than 1/4 mile from it! I'm not a beach by day in the hot hot sun, but I love it at sunset/sunrise or fall-spring.

  5. The beach is definitely an excellent choice!! Following you :)

    Lah @ Lazy Girl Reads

  6. Pensacola beach was the first place I saw "white sand" for the first time! I was probably 9 or 10 at the time? My family and I took a vacation there, and I was IN LOVE. Poor Texas beaches are more... brown? haha

    I would love to go back some day!

  7. Mandie - Couldn't agree more! Don't care for it in the summer, but spring/fall it's awesome (and even better at cool and beautiful)!

    Lah - Thanks for the follow!!

    G - We do have the most beautiful sand mounds of sugar. And I hope you come back one day, too, so we can hang!!
