Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday: Midnight Sun!

The lovely Jill (a fellow Alabamian!) over at Breaking the Spine created the Waiting on Wednesday meme for us bloggers to showcase books we're waiting on.

This week I've chosen a book that millions are waiting for...and one that most likely none of us will ever see. Confused yet? My WoW this week is...

Midnight Sun
By Stephenie Meyer

product description from

Midnight Sun is the much anticipated retelling of Twilight from Edward Cullen's perspective. An unedited partial draft was illegally leaked onto the internet in 2008; consequently, author Stephenie Meyer put the project on indefinite hold.
Shortly afterward, she posted a letter to her fans on her website including a link to the entire partial draft of the book so that those who wanted to read it could do so legally and with her consent; see URL for more information:

I know I'm not alone in my plea to Stephenie to please finish writing this book so we all can have one last foray into the world of Twilight!


  1. LOOOL what an awesome pick!!!!!! And yes you are right, but honestly? I think this will never happen... ;(((
    Also, I don't see her around what is she doing anyway atm? I think she's writing The Host2 right?

  2. Very good pick! I read what she did write from her site, and I'm dying for this one!! Or something new from her, period! lol

  3. Hmm, sounds interesting...thanks for sharing.

    Here's MY WOW POST

  4. Absolutely "waiting on" this!! I had read some of the manuscript she posted online a while ago... and I was wondering if anyone else was excited about it! Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to get a pub date!

    New Follower!

    Here are our WoW picks!

    -Em @ Sash & Em

  5. I read thru what Stephenie had posted on her website and really enjoyed it. I think Edward's perspective is a lot more complex, and it was interesting to see his side of things outside of Bella's Edward-colored glasses!

    I doubt it will ever be released though...sigh.

  6. Good choice! I'm dying to read this book too! I mean... who doesn't?! And I would love to hear that Stephenie is going to finish it soon...
    Dreams are free, right? xD



  7. This is so cool, yet horrible. Poor Stephanie. Can't wait to check it out, thanks for sharing!
