Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tune in Tuesday (10)...Soundtrack Edition!!

Today it is once again time for Tune in Tuesdays, a really cool meme created by my friend Ginger (or "G" as I like to call her!) over at GReads! This is a super fun meme that is filled with all sorts of music sure to give you a boost of energy and make you smile.

And G has gone one step further for the month of October, creating the Tune in Tuesdays: Soundtrack Edition!. I'm so excited about this, because songs only enhance movies in my opinion, and there are countless soundtracks that I love! Oh, and I'm like Jim Carrey in The Cable Guy...I think life would be so much more fun if it came with a soundtrack! :)

The soundtrack I picked for this week is one of my favorites--as is the movie it came from. It's one of those coming-of-age, angsty teen movies that for some reason I just loved. It really had no plot other than showcasing a group of teen coworkers through the course of their day, but something about it just inspired me. And the music is awesome!

Empire Records Motion Picture Soundtrack

And of course the most famous song from the movie (famous if you've seen the movie, probably not so much if you haven't), performed (in the movie only) by a familiar face...

Yes, it may be cheesy or ridiculous, but in this movie?

It rocked!


  1. LOVE! This movie is one of my absolute favorites! I can't believe I didn't think to include this one, but I'm glad you did!

  2. Haha, love it. Not sure if I've seen this movie though...if I have, it's been FOREVER ago!

  3. Excellent pick!! This is one of my favorite movies!! The soundtrack kicks butt, too!!
