Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday: BECOME!

The lovely Jill (a fellow Alabamian!) over at Breaking the Spine created the Waiting on Wednesday meme for us bloggers to showcase books we're waiting on.

This week's selection is one that I just can't wait to read. I've chatted with the author on Twitter and she's so nice, which is icing for what sounds like an awesome read! My WoW pick is...

by Ali Cross
pub date 11/11/11

product description from

Sixteen-year old Desolation Black wants nothing more than to stay in Hell where it’s cold and lonely and totally predictable. Instead, she’s sent back to Earth where she must face the evil she despises and the good she always feared.

When Desi is forced to embrace her inner demon, she assumes her choice has been made—that she has no hope of being anything other than what her father, Lucifer, has created her to be. What she doesn’t count on, is finding a reason to change—from something she’s never had before—a friend.

What she Becomes is neither light nor dark.

Neither good nor evil.

Something neither Heaven nor Hell expected.

Doesn't that just sound cool? And I love the name Desolation--awesome! Come on 11/11/11...hurry up!


  1. OMG! thanks for sharing this!! first time I see this book and it looks totally amazing =9 Demons and stuff! totally my thing =9
    New follower =)nice to meet you!!!!!!!!!!

    My WoW

    Come check out my awesome giveaway! I have 12 YAtitles from where you can choose from!

    Happy reading!!! bye =)

  2. Nice I love this cover! Never seen it before.

    Xpresso Reads

  3. WOW (:D) Thanks Jamie! I so appreciate your support and your kind words. Thank you thank you!

    And Giselle and Natalie, thank you so much for your positive response!

  4. I recently discovered Ali's book as well. It looks and sounds awesome.

  5. Ohhhh, this one sounds awesome! I'll have to add it to my wishlist!
