Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tune in Tuesday (7)...Soundtrack Edition!!

Today it is once again time for Tune in Tuesdays, a really cool meme created by my friend Ginger (or "G" as I like to call her!) over at GReads! This is a super fun meme that is filled with all sorts of music sure to give you a boost of energy and make you smile.

And G has gone one step further for the month of October, creating the Tune in Tuesdays: Soundtrack Edition!. I'm so excited about this, because songs only enhance movies in my opinion, and there are countless soundtracks that I love! Oh, and I'm like Jim Carrey in The Cable Guy...I think life would be so much more fun if it came with a soundtrack! :)

To kick off G's Tune in Tuesdays: Soundtrack Edition!, I had to pull out the one that kick-started my writing career (well, the book did actually, but the soundtrack definitely helped!). Now, if you know me--or have read my bio on here--then you know that a certain book made me get off my rear and start trying to become published. And I am not ashamed to say that I love said book. And I am also not ashamed to say that I love the soundtrack that goes along with it!

So my choice soundtrack for today is none other than...

Twilight - The Motion Picture Soundtrack

If you've never listened to it, you should. It really does have some great music! And as a feature, I've chosen my favorite song from the album. It's very very popular amongst Twilight aficionados, but non-Twilighters like it, too! It is...

Decode - Paramore

I love this song, this video, the mood it creates...basically all of it! I hope you enjoy!


  1. I am a huge soundtrack junkie, and I LOVE the Twilight soundtrack! Awesome choice!

  2. Paramore is one of my all time faves. This song is perfect for the Twilight soundtrack. Stellar pick!

  3. OH MY..truly one of my favorite soundtracks..( yep Im one of those Twilight people) Actually of all the Twilight movie soundtracks, this one still is my favorite and the only one I have bought. I remember going to Hot Topic the night it came out on midnight for the release party..Fun Fun

  4. When ever I hear this song, no matter where I am, I always say "Twilight" out loud! ha! It will forever be linked to it. I love it though, so that's ok with me.

  5. Love this song! Love Paramore! Great choice.

  6. YAY! I knew SOMEONE would do Twilight! LOVE LOVE LOVE this song! <3 Can't wait for breaking dawn!

  7. This soundtrack is amazing. Been following Paramore for ages & this song is fantastic... a perfect addition to a stellar soundtrack! Thanks for sharing it!

    Lovin' Soundtrack Edition of Tune in Tuesday!

  8. I was so waiting for someone to post about Twilight but this song more specifically. As I was getting ready much too early this morning it popped up on Pandora and it instantly brought back memories to a reading marathon my sister and I did. We read the Twilight books while listening to the soundtrack at the same time....INTENSE! Decode is definitely my favorite!
