Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 3 of the BLOOD BORN Blog Tour...& Waiting on Wednesday!

See that title? I told you I'd have regular posts, too! :)

Today is the third stop on the BLOOD BORN Blog Tour, hosted by the fab Yara at Once Upon A Twilight!

So please head over to Fire and Ice and check it out! 

And as promised, here's something other than me spouting on about my tour (hey, I'm excited, what can I say?)

The lovely Jill (a fellow Alabamian!) over at Breaking the Spine created the Waiting on Wednesday meme for us bloggers to showcase books we're waiting on.

This week's selection is one I am EAGERLY awaiting. Since I read the first in this trilogy, I have been counting the days until this book's release. And yes, there are still a few to go! If you haven't already, please add to your TBR lists...


pub date 9/25/2012

no book description available

Since there's no description out yet for SHADOWS, I'm gonna include the cover and description for the first book in the trilogy, ASHES--which I demand you all read ASAP!

by Ilsa J Bick

product description from

It could happen tomorrow . . . 

An electromagnetic pulse flashes across the sky, destroying every electronic device, wiping out every computerized system, and killing billions.

Alex hiked into the woods to say good-bye to her dead parents and her personal demons. Now desperate to find out what happened after the pulse crushes her to the ground, Alex meets up with Tom—a young soldier—and Ellie, a girl whose grandfather was killed by the EMP.

For this improvised family and the others who are spared, it’s now a question of who can be trusted and who is no longer human.

Author Ilsa J. Bick crafts a terrifying and thrilling novel about a world that could be ours at any moment, where those left standing must learn what it means not just to survive, but to live amidst the devastation.

Honestly, this description doesn't do this book justice. Please pick up ASHES have till September to read it! :)


  1. Oh, I think I might buy them just because of the covers! O.O :'D

    Patricia // My WOW

  2. Love the new covers! I loved half of Ashes too but then it got a bit silly... Still going to have a go at Shadows though.

    ComaCalm's Waiting For...

  3. Ooof I love these covers and Ashes looks very exciting and adrenaline filled! Will have to try it out.

    My WOW:

  4. Okay okay - this is going on the to be read pile. Sounds interesting - plus that recommendation means I can't pass it up :-)

  5. Just the idea of such a disaster (no electronic devices?) had me intrigued. The cover is very unique....hope you enjoy it.

    Here's MY WOW POST

  6. I have been wanting to read ASHES for so long! I think I should get my butt in gear and read it already!
    Blood Born? How did I miss this? I am finally over my aversion to vampire themed novels. I was once the HUGEST lover of them ever & a few duds left a rather bad taste in my mouth...
    The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda reaffirmed my faith in the genre again..
    I am adding ur book to my very very soon TBR list.
    I am Team Damon & Team Eric too.
    A-I am MAD Vamp Diaries is on ANOTHER "hiatus"
    B-True Blood is ALMOST back on! June! Woo hoo!
    My W.O.W
