Friday, April 13, 2012

Last day of my Blog TGIF!!

Today is the last day of the BLOOD BORN Blog Tour, hosted by the delightful Yara at Once Upon A Twilight!

OUaT is also hosting today's stop, so be sure to head on over and check it out--there's a grand prize giveaway!

And stop back by OUaT on April 27th at 9pm CST for a live chat with yours truly (I'll post about it again, just to remind ya)!

The awesomeness that is Ginger (or G, as I like to call her!) over at GReads! has created a great meme that is tons of fun. Each Friday, she poses a question for anyone to answer. Go check her out and join in the fun!

This Friday's Question:

Musical Stories:

If you could read a book about any song,
which song would you love to see
written down in story form?

This is a great question, G! There are countless songs that serve as inspiration for writers (I know I'm not the only one, right? lol), whether it's the actual lyrics that create that nugget of an idea, or the feeling the song invokes. After all, songs are stories themselves (well, the good ones, anyway!)

I could literally sit here all day listening to music and watching videos and imagining the stories that go/could go with them, so I'll make a tough decision and pick one. 

This song is one that's tied to several of my memories--memories of wonderful friendships and the awesome times we had together, and every time I hear it, my mind is transported not only to those memories, but also to an imaginary place created by the words tied to the music. It's a fun, beautiful song that I could listen to over and over and over (and I have, lol).

Desert Rose - Sting

Isn't that video beautiful? And I love the overall feel of it--the music, the lyrics, the setting. I can easily imagine a world where these images and words come to life--can't you just picture Sting as some sort of diplomat or former assassin longing for his long lost Desert Rose? :)


  1. Good pick. Mayb you should write it. And OMg!!! Less than 2 weeks!

  2. Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeesome pic!! And yes, I loved this question too and yes I can TOTALLY see Sting as a former assassin in this one!!! I'm having the best time going thru people's choices.

    Happy Friday :)

    La Toya (La Toya, Literally)

  3. Great pick - new follower stopping by on the TGIF.

    Bob @ Beauty in Ruins

  4. That is a really great song! I feel like I have heard it before but it’s been a while! I can definitely see it having a story to it!

    P.S. I’m Team Eric too :)

    Darlene @ Leather Bound and Lovely

  5. Great song pick! I've always loved this song!

    Funny, I'd never seen the video and I always pictured him in the middle of a field, and a girl in a house in a similar field far away from him. Weird how what the artist envisioned can be so different than what you envision, ha!

  6. Jamie this is one of my favorite song!!!!! AAAHHH!!! I love it! And you want to know something...I never saw the video before. Thanks! U Rock!
