Friday, March 9, 2012

In which I make a pretty cool announcement!

I have been waiting for weeks for today's post. Mainly because I'm horrible at keeping secrets--even worse when those secrets pertain to me, lol. So to say I'm excited today is finally here is a MAJOR understatement.

I had completely planned on dragging this out by filling this post with junk just so you'd have to wait for my announcement.

But as I said in that first mini-paragraph, I'm horrible at keeping secrets. 

So I'll just come right out and say it.

I just signed a contract with Pendrell Publishing for my second series!!!! (you can read the press release by clicking on Pendrell's name above)

Look how excited I am!!

I seriously can't believe it. I'm just so happy that I get to share yet another story near and dear to me with all of you!

I can't say too much yet (publication is far off, so details are under lock and key, lol), but I can tell you that it is a planned trilogy. And I can tell you that it is YA dystopian. And I can tell you that the first book, GENERATION Z, is scheduled for release Spring 2014. 

There's also a tiny bit of info as to the plot in the press release, so be sure to click on Pendrell Publishing above to read it! (maybe I shouldn't put an exclamation point there, since it's a really short blurb.) (okay, it's one line. It's a one-line blurb...see, horrible at keeping secrets!)


  1. ~gasps~
    Well I congratulate you for the fact that you hold on long enough to make the announcement here before it leaked out somewhere between facebook and twitter!!!
    So happy for you!!! I'll definitely be waiting!

    1. haha! Yeah, that was the most difficult part! lol
      Thanks so much, Alba! :)

  2. That's fantastic news Jamie! Congratulations!!

  3. aahhh CONGRATS JAMIE!! this is amazing news :)

  4. YAY, Congratulations Jamie. Every book I have read from Pendrell I have loved - they are an elite publisher in my book so props to you! Can't wait to learn more about your next adventure.

    1. Aw, thanks so much, Jennifer! So happy you like Pendrell's books, and I can't wait to share more about Gen Z with you guys! :)

  5. So exciting! Congratulations and look forward to seeing more details!

  6. This is awesome, Jamie! Congratulations! :-D Dystopians are my favourite too! Can't wait for more details to be revealed :-p

    Sam x

  7. Congrats! We are excited for you.

    1. Aw, thanks Diana! And thanks for coming by my blog! :)

  8. Congrats!!!!! What awesome news!!! They are lucky to have you!

  9. WOO HOO!!! Yay :) Congrats, Jamie. You deserve it!
