Friday, March 16, 2012

TGIF at GReads!

First up: Don't forget that the Kindle version of my book BLOOD BORN is now on sale! You can get a copy right here! :)
The awesomeness that is Ginger (or G, as I like to call her!) over at GReads! has created a great meme that is tons of fun. Each Friday, she poses a question for anyone to answer. Go check her out and join in the fun!

This Friday's Question:

Social Networking:

Do you use Twitter or Facebook
to promote your blog?
How has it benefited
your book blogging experience?

This is a two-sided question for me. I absolutely use Twitter to promote my blog, but not so much on Facebook (I know I should be, though!). 

However, I use both Twitter and Facebook to promote my book (which debuts April 24th. You know, just in case you're interested. ;-P)

I firmly believe in social media as a way to reach out to not only other readers and bloggers, but also writers, publishers, agents and general celebrities (both in and out of the publishing world). Often times I think about how things were when I was a kid and teenager, when I would become obsessive over a book and its author (hello, R L Stine). I didn't have the option of signing onto a forum such as Twitter and stalking following said author; I simply had to imagine their lives through their books. On one hand, it was torture! lol

But on the other, it sort of helped fuel the mystery that surrounded them. I could imagine that an author spent their days toiling away at a typewriter (yes, I went there), churning out masterpieces on their first try. Now, thanks to the Social Media World, I know that couldn't be farther from the case. (I also happen to know this from first-hand experience, but that's a different post altogether.) 

Peeking into even the tiniest sliver of those people's lives has been both enlightening and encouraging, and I am a proud supporter of Twitter, Facebook, and Blogs!

Care to follow me? Find me on Twitter @byjamiemanning And on Facebook here!

And thanks to each of you who follows along on my blog! :)


  1. Great post!! Loved RL back in the day and now follow him on twitter!! Haha. ;-)

  2. I wish I used Twitter & Facebook more, and totally agree - it's a great way to connect with authors & other interesting people.

  3. I never got into RL but I was a VC Andrews fan/stalker. LOL!! New Twitter Follower @lilpocketbooks.

  4. I agree, social media is the best way to promote both blogs and books these days. I just wish I was better at it! New follower. Here's mine: Small Blonde Hippy

  5. Haha! I love how you put that we get to see the secret lives of some of our favorite authors through social media and it is so true! Also, totally agree with promoting the heck out your blog AND your book on Twitter and Facebook. What else are they there for???
