Thursday, March 29, 2012

Three Line Thursdays...Week 4!

Since I have officially passed the two month mark until the release of my very first novel (holy crap, it's less than 2 months!!), I thought that a really neat idea would be to give a few teases to you guys from said novel. Fun, huh?! Hold applause. (side note: it's now less than a month till release day--OMG!!)

So, I created Three-line Thursdays!

It's simple, really. Every Thursday between now and the release of BLOOD BORN, I'm going to tease you guys with three random lines from the book! I'll treat this just like Teaser Tuesdays, by turning to random pages and selecting three lines (take that, two-line Tuesdays!).

Chance kept my hand locked tightly in his, and as we headed out the doors and sprinted across campus, my mind drifted away from the lurking vampire and went to the tiny current of warm electricity I was feeling from him. Did all guys feel this way? I had no clue since I couldn't remember ever touching one before, but somehow I doubted it.