Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tune in Tuesday: Book Playlist Edition #3

Tune in Tuesday is a very cool feature created by the awesome blogger Ginger (or G, as I like to call her!) over at GReads!. It's rather pretty simple: Each Tuesday, post a favorite song/video for others to enjoy!

For the month of March, G has decided to tie the worlds of music and books together (like we all do constantly, right?!) by creating Tune in Tuesday: Book Playlists Edition (how cool is that?). So, for the next four weeks, choose a song from either a book's playlist (or maybe your own if you're a writer) or from your own playlist that happens to remind you of a certain book or book scene. Easy, peasy!
I decided that since a certain book comes out in a little over a month (yes, it's mine. yes, I'm freaking out.), I'm going to take the month of March (and G's awesome book tie-in to Tune in Tuesday!) and showcase a few of the songs that inspired BLOOD BORN. Hope you enjoy!

Bring Me To Life - Evanescence

For those of you who have read BLOOD BORN, you know how important Chance is. He's one of my favorite characters, and in the next two books, he really gets put through the wringer. But even before the story begins, Chance's life has been less than perfect. This song is sort of Chance's anthem, one he's kept to himself until Ava comes along. He feels an instant connection to her, and he wants her to bring him to life.


  1. I absolutely loved this song when it came out! Great choice.

    Preet @ AWR

  2. LOVE this song. And so perfect for the book!!

  3. This song definitely makes me more excited for your book, and intrigued about this Chance :)

    My Book Playlist this week. :)

  4. Love Bring Me to Life, too :) And it's been a long time since I last heard it. Great pick!

  5. I love this song. I used to listen to Evanescence all the time with my sister but I haven't heard this song in such a long time. Oh and I totally just went to Goodreads and added your book to my TBR list. Sounds good :)
