Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tune in Tuesday: Book Playlists Edition #4!

Tune in Tuesday is a very cool feature created by the awesome blogger Ginger (or G, as I like to call her!) over at GReads!. It's rather pretty simple: Each Tuesday, post a favorite song/video for others to enjoy!

For the month of March, G has decided to tie the worlds of music and books together (like we all do constantly, right?!) by creating Tune in Tuesday: Book Playlists Edition (how cool is that?). So, for the next four weeks, choose a song from either a book's playlist (or maybe your own if you're a writer) or from your own playlist that happens to remind you of a certain book or book scene. Easy, peasy!
I decided that since a certain book comes out in a month from today (yes, it's mine. yes, I'm freaking out.), I'm going to take the month of March (and G's awesome book tie-in to Tune in Tuesday!) and showcase a few of the songs that inspired BLOOD BORN. Hope you enjoy!
Time is Running Out - Muse

Since this is the last week in the Book Playlist Edition of Tune in Tuesdays, I thought it fitting to showcase the song that inspired the leading lady in BLOOD BORN, Avaline Blue. Ava was the first character to come to me, and this song was attached to her. The title alone could explain Ava's situation and the feelings of urgency she has, but the words of the song really help tell her story. Plus, it's one of my all-time favorite Muse tunes!

A huge thanks to G for making March so much fun!


  1. Muse is hands down one of my favorite bands! Great choice!

  2. AH! This is SO Ava!!! :D And OMG LESS THAN A MONTH!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Congrats on your books upcoming release! Love Muse.

  4. I love this song. Great choice!

    Safari Poet

  5. I love this song so much Jamie! Also, I feel as though I should *officially* compliment your name choice for your main character. That is by far my favorite name EVER! I can't wait for next month :)
